The roads were designed in the 1920s and 1930s to serve traffic of that era, but the increase in numbers, size and weight of vehicles means that preservation of both the road surfaces and their foundations remains one of the main objectives for FPEL. Automatic barriers were introduced in 2000 in order to control traffic and restrict public use of our roads. The installation of the barriers was successful in reducing traffic, road-maintenance costs and also enhancing the security of our community.
The first 9 feet (6 feet in certain instances) of the verge from the edge of the road surface are the property of the Company. There are service cables and pipes laid beneath the verges and the company or its suppliers need access for maintenance and replacement purposes. There is a pedestrian right of way over them in the absence of pavements. Permission of the Company must be obtained before erecting any fence, permanent lighting, garden furniture or planters, planting any shrubs or trees, or forming any further driveways on or over these verges. The Company is entitled to have any such construction or planting removed at the cost of the property owner, unless permission can be demonstrated.

The Company is responsible for the maintenance, planting and removal of any trees on the verges.
The parking of any vehicle or placing of skips on the verge (as well as the road) is strictly forbidden. This is due to the fact that the roads and verges belong to the Company and not the property owner, and also because heavy loads could damage the network of utility pipes running under the verges.
The timber lamp columns and lanterns belong to the Company, but are powered and serviced by contractors, for which we pay the energy supply and ongoing maintenance fees. If a lamp column is located on your verge please ensure shrubs and trees are kept well pruned so as not to obstruct the fall of light.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.