Farnborough Park was made a conservation area by virtue of its park-like environment and properties being surrounded by mature specimen trees. It is therefore our duty to protect the trees in the Park.

Regardless of where a tree is situated on a property any application for work to be carried out on these trees must be approved in advance and in writing by the Board. This is the case even when the tree sits further than 9 feet (or 6 feet in a couple of roads) from the kerb-line or is on your property.
There may be occasions when the removal of a tree is unavoidable. In these instances, permission from both FPEL and the Council is required before any work can be undertaken – this also applies for any cutting back of trees.
If permission to fell a tree is granted by FPEL, a similar tree of a substantial size needs to be planted in replacement at the expense of the resident.
According to Conservation Area legislation, to cause damage to protected trees, even unintentional damage, is an offence carrying potentially heavy penalties.
Please contact the Tree Committee before any works are undertaken, even if you have already obtained permission from the Council. You must also have permission from FPEL before work can commence and access granted to the contractor. Access will be denied unless the contractor can show the necessary approval from FPEL for the work to be undertaken.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any enquiries or to apply for permission to undertake works.
Please help with watering any new trees in front of your property during the dry season.
Please note that we are requesting all gardeners and tree surgeons using noisy machinery to respect the same hours as general building contractors, which are:
- 8.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday
- 8.30am to 12.30pm on Saturdays
- No entrance on Sundays and Bank Holidays
Please note:

- All trees on the first 9 feet from the kerb-line (the Verge) are the property of Farnborough Park. Only FPEL is authorised to undertake any work on trees on the verge.
- Any work on trees to be undertaken by residents in their front or back gardens needs to be approved by FPEL as well as the Council. It is one of the Covenants of Farnborough Park.