The Directors set an annual budget and plan for the management, maintenance, and enhancement of the Park, the costs of which are carried by the charge of an Annual Management Charge (AMC). This is made up of 2-elements, Annual Maintenance Charge and Security/Management Charges. An invoice is issued in December for payment by the end of January.
Shareholders’ funds are currently held at the National Westminster Bank.
It is FPEL’s policy to appoint external Auditors. They are required to finalise the annual accounts and submit them to HM Revenue & Customs for approval. The registered office of FPEL is maintained at the accountants’ address.

The AMC for 2025 has been set at £3,050 and is incremented by the Demolition and Building/Conversion Fees (generally referred to as Building Fees). The purpose of the Building Fees is to repair the roads and verges, which are often damaged by the heavy vehicles used by construction and delivery firms. It is considered that it is fairer to ask property owners having works done to their house to contribute to the repair of the roads to a larger extent than all other residents, who only pay for general wear and tear via the AMC.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.
Annual Reports
The Annual Reports for Farnborough Park Estate Limited can be found here: under Filing.