To ensure that building works carried out in Farnborough Park cause minimum disturbance to residents and minimum impact on the Estate’s property, the Board enforces a code of conduct to which property owners and contractors must conform.
- Prior to commencing any works, developers must ensure that hoarding is erected on the property curtilage, and not on the verges, to shield the site from view. Hoarding must be made from wood, be painted dark green and be 2.4m high. This is for safety of passers-by but also to hide any debris or untidiness created by demolition or construction works.
- No advertising or notices are permitted on the site except those that form part of contractors’ Health & Safety policy. Any unauthorised signage will be removed and the costs passed to the property owner.
- Contractors must not cause unnecessary inconvenience to residents when parking vehicles, allowing easy access to neighbouring properties and for traffic to pass easily.
- No vehicle may be parked with the engine left running, even if the contractor remains in the vehicle.
- No rubbish should be dumped on the verges or anywhere in the park – including drinks or food containers.
- The use of loud radios or other unnecessary noise nuisance is prohibited, including radios in vehicles.
- No workers are allowed to sleep overnight on site in temporary or vacant buildings.
- No bonfires are permitted at any time.
- Skips are not to be deposited on the roads or verges. This is because they are not property of the homeowner, but also because the weight might damage the utility ducts underneath.
- Before contractors excavate a road surface to access utilities, a temporary wayleave must be obtained from the appropriate utility company. This must be authorised by FPEL Planning Committee.
- Any serious damage caused by contractors to the verges, lamp-posts or underground utility cables or drainage systems will be the responsibility of the property owner and Farnborough Park Estate Ltd will expect immediate reinstatement to be undertaken at the property owner’s expense.

Hours of Working
All contractors are strictly limited to the following time
Monday to Friday 08.00 – 17.30
Saturday 08.30 – 12.30
Sunday & Bank Holidays No work permitted
- Contractors can come on site up to 60 minutes before the times above but work must not commence until the times shown – the site should be vacated 30 minutes after the working hours – do not park leaving your engine running or radios on, even if you remain in the vehicle.
- No deliveries or unloading of vehicles can be made outside of the hours above.
- Any large vehicles, cranes etc. working on site likely to cause restricted access must be notified in advance to the Gatehouse.
It is a requirement that property owners distribute this code of conduct to all contractors working on their building project, as property owners will be held fully responsible for the conduct and working practices of the contractors they employ.
The Planning Committee reserve the right to suspend any development employing contractors found to be ignoring this code.
Download the Guide to Working in Farnborough Park for further information.
It is also helpful if the Traffic Management and Security Director is notified of the date of commencement of work. His e-mail address is: