All plans for demolition, construction or conversion must be presented to the Board of FPEL as well as the Council. The Company has the right (via the Deed of Grant) to approve and/or stop any building works considered unsuitable to the environment of the Park or detrimental to neighbours.

All applications for planning approvals need to be submitted to the Board of FPEL prior to or at least in parallel to the Council, with a full set of plans.
When making an application all boundaries including neighbouring properties must be shown on the scaled plans.
The Company may appoint consultants to study the plans and negotiate possible compromises.
On approval, FPEL will issue a Licence, with all relevant conditions listed. No property can be constructed or extended without obtaining a Licence from FPEL. Please note all fees shown below must be settled before a signed copy of the license can be issued and any works can commence.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any planning enquiries or for the submissions of plans.
Click here to view Planning Guidelines for Farnborough Park Estate.
Certain fees apply for both the analysis of applications and, on beginning of construction, for construction vehicles to use the roads of the Park.
- The fee for analysis currently stands at £500, any changes to any previous applications are £250 per revision.
- The fee for use of the roads depends on the extent of the building works and is calculated at a particular rate per square metre of added or converted space by type of development. Full details can be found in the schedule below. It is perceived that it is fairer to charge the residents that affect the state of the roads and who benefit from the increase in value of the property rather than make it a general cost to be added to the annual maintenance charge.
- The Deeds of Grant pertaining to all the properties in Farnborough Park require house owners to obtain approval from the Board of Farnborough Park Estate Ltd for any alteration to their property. The Board of Farnborough Park has worked closely with Bromley Council and the residents to devise a set of Planning Guidelines to help protect and preserve the Park’s prestigious Conservation Area status and ensure consistency in the parameters for approval.
- The Board is committed to enforce compliance with the Planning Guidelines and will continue to work with both the Council and the resident to find solutions to particular situations. It is however fundamental that the privacy, space and amenities of neighbouring properties are not compromised and that the street scene and park-like environment remain unspoilt.
Building Fees
These are devised to recompense FPEL for the cost of wear and tear or the cost of repairing road and verges damaged by large construction vehicles and construction works. As such, Building Fees are to be used only for infrastructure maintenance and repair requirements.
The current Building Fees are the following:
Demolition of Property Charge (scaled on partial demolitions) | £20,000 |
Property Development or Space Conversions | £45,00 per square metre £4.20 per square foot |
Conservatories & Outside Swimming Pools Please note that swimming pools may not be allowed where it is perceived that the water level may be affected to the detriment of neighbours. | £22.50 per square metre £2.10 per square foot |
New Loft Conversions | £1,000 |
Building Works License Fee | £250/£500 |
Drive Way – U shaped addition | £1,000 |
Road Opening Fee (for access by Utilities) | £750 minimum |
Late payment Fees – per £10,000 | £50 to £100 per month |
Other Charges | |
Deed of Grant | Price on application |
Solicitors Enquiries & Sundry | £250 |
Covenants, Certificates of Satisfaction | Price on application |
These are the current charges but may be changed without notice.
In order to mitigate the impact of construction works on neighbours and other residents, every household is asked to provide their contractors with the Code of Conduct for Contractors. Each house owner is responsible for the behaviour of his/her contractors.