In exchange for granting access to the Park, the use of its roads and connection to its utilities, FPEL has the benefit of Restrictive Covenants, which are set out in the Deeds of Grant. It is the responsibility of every resident to ensure that these restrictions are fully complied with at all times. In the case of non-compliance, FPEL has the legal right to enforce such covenants, as they are conditions to the grant of entrance to the Park, the use of the roads, the connection to the utilities and the crossing over the verges.
They are designed for the benefit of all and can be summarised as follows:
- Only one dwelling is allowed per plot.
- Planning and property development applications need to be submitted to FPEL as well as Bromley Council.
- FPEL Planning Committee must have approved any application before work commences.
- Walls and fences are NOT allowed at the front of properties. Low hedges and picket fences of maximum 4 feet may be considered, subject to FPEL’s approval.
- Only hedges (no fences) up to a maximum of six feet are allowed at the side of corner plots.
- FPEL Tree Committee must approve any tree work anywhere on a property before work commences.
- Any pruning or removal of trees is strictly prohibited without the approval of the Company.
- The first nine feet of the land (the Verges) are owned by FPEL and no planting or erection of garden ornaments or lighting is allowed. No felling or pruning of trees is to be carried out by residents or their contractors.
- The use of homes for business is not allowed if it requires frequent visitors or the parking of van or work vehicles overnight.
- The location of aerials, satellite dishes, laundry, refuse bins, etc. needs to be discreet and is not allowed at the front of a property.
- Advertisements, Vans, Caravans, Commercial Vehicles and temporary buildings are strictly forbidden.
Planning and Tree Committee
The Planning and Tree Committee meets monthly to consider applications, therefore please ensure that plans are submitted at least in parallel with any submission to the Council.